Wednesday, August 26, 2020
** Action Item
This Week in The Scoop
Accountability & Improvement
UIP webinar and office hours
The School Improvement and Planning team is offering support for planning processes for 2020-21. An overview webinar will be offered. Customized support and district or school specific questions can be addressed through office hours.
Click Here for Additional Information
For More Information, Contact: Erin Loften School Improvement and Planning Phone: 720-475-0681 Email: [email protected]
Resources and support available for new READ Act UIP requirements
To support districts' implementation of new READ Act UIP requirements, the following resources and support are available: - READ Act New UIP Requirements 2020-21- overview of new requirements. - READ Act UIP Template- format that districts may use to submit information about their K-3 instructional literacy programs - Webinar: Reporting Early Literacy Instructional Programming and READ/ELG funded teacher development in the UIP. Friday, Sept 4 from 9 to 9:45 a.m. - READ Act in the UIP Office Hours Friday, Sept 4 from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. Thursday, Sept 17 from 4 to 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 2 from 3 to 4 p.m.
Registration information for the webinar and office hours is available on the UIP website. For questions, reach out to Susan Barrett.
Click Here for Additional Information
For More Information, Contact: Susan Barrett School Improvement and Planning Phone: 720-545-6349 Email: [email protected]
Capital Construction
Charter School Capital Construction FY19-20 expenditure reports due
The Charter School Capital Construction Expenditures Report (Form CSCC-01) is due by Wednesday, Sept. 30. The form is available online at the link below and outlines the use of FY19-20 Charter School Capital Construction Funds but should include all capital construction expenditures for facilities in FY19-20.
Please remember that an authorized representative from the charter school and the school district or Charter Schools Institute needs to sign the form.
Please note: Charter schools are no longer required to expend all CSCC funds distributed to the school by the end of the fiscal year. Charter schools may save any portion of funding received from the program for future capital construction projects, provided future projects qualify as eligible under the program guidelines. More information is available on our website.
Click Here for Additional Information
For More Information, Contact: Meg Donaldson Capital Construction Phone: 303-866-6184 Email: [email protected]
Early Learning & School Readiness
READ Act fall guidance, opening of school 20-21
CDE staff have collected and answered frequently asked questions related to the 2020-21 opening of school and READ Act requirements, including the required K-3 Teacher Training, READ Act assessment administration, identification of a Significant Reading Deficiency, and READ Plans. Visit the Preschool through Third Grade Opening of School 20-21 webpage to find an updated FAQ and resource list.
Click Here for Additional Information
For More Information, Contact: Andreia Simon Teaching and Learning Phone: 720-402-6049 Email: [email protected]
Educator Talent
School/District partnerships with educator preparation programs to support teacher candidates
A stakeholder group consisting of higher education faculty and leadership worked with K-12 educators and district leaders to create Collaborating on Clinical Experiences: A resource for EPPs and Schools/Districts in partnering on Teacher Candidate Development. This one-page summary captures guiding principles and best practices to ensure districts and educator preparation programs (EPPs) can continue to support student teachers during the pandemic. EPPs and partnering districts can access tools and resources related to teacher candidate development, including a checklist of critical points to consider when preparing for student teachers, a candidate planning protocol, and a coaching and supervision protocol.
For More Information, Contact: Jennifer Kral Educator Talent Phone: 720-618-3831 Email: [email protected]
Exceptional Student Services
Online Course: Introduction to Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plans
This eight-week online course, offered in both fall and spring semesters, is intended for school and district-level teams. The purpose of the course is to support the team in developing a functional behavioral Assessment (FBA) that accurately identifies a student’s function of behavior in order to develop more effective Behavior Intervention Plans. By the end of the course, participating teams will be able to successfully complete Basic Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP). The course provides a foundation for understanding FBAs and provides opportunity for practice in the completion of FBAs and BIPs. Click Here for Additional Information
For More Information, Contact: Amanda Nieser Exceptional Student Services Phone: 303-866-6121 Email: [email protected]
Federal Programs
CLDE English learner programming and identification guidance
The Office of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE) has released new guidance and interim procedures related to identifying English learners for the 2020-21 school year. New interim identification procedures provide identification guidance and requirements for various instructional settings.
•2020-21 Interim English Learner Identification and Placement Procedures for the identification of ELs during periods of suspensions of in-person instruction.
•2020-21 English Language Proficiency Screener Assessment Based on Instructional Setting guidance.
To attend September CLDE Office hours related to this guidance please register via the links below:
•Tuesday, Sept. 1 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. register here.
•Friday, Sept. 11 - 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. register here.
For More Information, Contact: Doris Brock-Nguyen CLDE Phone: 303.866.6777 Email: [email protected]
Submit your application for the 2021 Colorado Teacher of the Year
Teachers hoping to be the 2021 Colorado Teacher of the Year can submit their applications through Thursday, Aug. 27. Each year, the Colorado Teacher of the Year Program honors an exceptionally dedicated, knowledgeable and skilled teacher in any state-approved or accredited school, kindergarten through grade 12, who is planning to continue in an active teaching status, to represent the entire profession in Colorado. The Colorado Teacher of the Year will automatically become Colorado's nominee for the National Teacher of the Year competition.
To access the application and additional program information for the 2021 Colorado Teacher of the Year, please visit the link below.
Click Here for Additional Information
For More Information, Contact: Kim Burnham Competitive Grants and Awards Phone: 303-866-6916 Email: [email protected]
News & Notes
Register now for Colorado Applies Month
Colorado Applies Month launches Monday, Aug. 31, and supports 12th-graders and 11th-graders with journeys on their path to Colorado Free Application Day on Tuesday, Oct. 13. The five-week campaign guides students through career and program selection culminating with the application process to two- or four-year institutions, the military, occupational/technical schools, an apprenticeship or work. Register here.
On Colorado Free Application Day students may apply for free to any public college or university and many private institutions on Tuesday, Oct. 13. Learn more about Colorado Free Application Day here.
For More Information, Contact: Megan McDermott Department of Higher Education Phone: 303.974.2495 Email: [email protected]
Registration for Safe2Tell webinar now open
Safe2Tell Colorado provides an anonymous way for students, parents, school staff and community members to report concerns regarding their safety or the safety of others.
• Safe2Tell invites you to attend an upcoming webinar entitled “Promoting Safe2Tell in COVID: Resources for digital and in person outreach.” The webinar will take place on Friday, Sept. 4 at 8 a.m. Participants can register here. The recording and resources shared will be made available to all registrants with an official school email. • Safe2Tell is available for remote training of students, staff, and S2T tip recipients. Reach out to [email protected] for more information. • As a friendly reminder, please send changes to your S2T teams to [email protected].
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