July 26, 2024

IMPORTANT: This will be the final edition of CASB Serving You!
Starting in August CASB will be creating a new form of newsletter system for our members.

  • Proposed Resolutions for the 2024 Fall Conference & Delegate Assembly are now being accepted!
    • The submission form can be found here!
  • Are you interested in expanding your advocacy role as an elected Board member? Then the CASB Legislative Resolutions Committee or the Federal Relations Network may be for you. Please contact CASB Director of Public Policy and Advocacy Matt Cook ([email protected]) for more information.
  • NEW! CASB has released an overview of accessibility requirements and a sample accessibility statement to assist districts in compliance with HB21-1110.
  • Title IX Resources: Institutional Compliance Solutions has shared the below free resources to assist districts in complying with the new Title IX Rules. ICS also offers training
  • The Colorado Supreme Court recently ruled that a BOCES cannot open a school within the territory of a district that is not a member of the BOCES, without the district’s consent.

    The case involved ERBOCES and Colorado Springs School District 11. ERBOCES opened Orton Academy, a contract school serving students with reading challenges, within District 11’s boundaries, despite District 11 not being a member of ERBOCES. ERBOCES argued that the language of the Colorado BOCES Act allows them to operate a school in a nonmember district, as it states a school may be opened “at any appropriate location, within or without the geographic boundaries of the school district providing the money for the facilities.” C.R.S. 22-5-111. The BOCES interpreted “any appropriate location,” to mean any district at all, even if it was not a member of the BOCES. However, the district argued that the statute means that a BOCES may operate a school within any one of their member district’s boundaries, regardless of whether that specific district paid for the school.

    The Colorado Supreme Court ruled in favor of the District, stating that the language of the statute does not clearly give BOCES authority to place a school in another district. The Court did not find it likely that the law would authorize a BOCES to take such sweeping action without clearly expressing as such. Additionally, considering that the context of the nearby statutes relate to procurement and financing of buildings and facilities, a provision allowing such placement of schools would be out of place and unreasonable. Ultimately, the ruling explains that BOCES may open a school within the boundaries of any of their member districts, regardless of whether the school is located within a member district that paid for the facility.

    Ultimately, this ruling is a clear articulation that a BOCES may not place schools in a school district’s boundaries, if that school district is not a member of the BOCES and does not consent. If a BOCES placed a school within a district’s boundaries and the district objects, that district may consider consulting with an attorney to determine appropriate actions.
  • NEW! Georgetown Certificate in Education Finance
CASB Departments Serving You
  1. Executive Director
    1. Dr. Jubal Yennie ([email protected] or (303) 302-3808)
  2. Director of Finance
    1. Tonja Darling ([email protected] or (303) 832-1000)
  3. Deputy Executive Director
    1. Leslie Bogar ([email protected] or (303) 302-3805)
  4. Director of Public Policy and Advocacy
    1. Matt Cook ([email protected] or (303) 302-3807)
  5. Staff Attorney (Legal Information)
    1. Rachel Amspoker ([email protected] or (303) 302-3803)
    2. Mikayla Unruh ([email protected] or (303) 302-3801)
    3. Hilary Daniels ([email protected] or (303) 226-6886)
  6. Policy Department
    1. Kristina Gutierrez ([email protected] or (303) 302-3811)
    2. Holly Burg ([email protected] or (303) 302-3810)
    3. Diana Calderon ([email protected] or (303) 302-3804)
  7. Communications Specialist and Registration Questions
    1. Bryce Reedy ([email protected] or (303) 302-3813)
  8. Events Specialist
    1. Gabriella Wilson ([email protected] or (303) 302-3809)
  9. Executive Assistant (Board of Directors Questions or Meeting Room Reservation Requests)
    1. Tracy DeMeo ([email protected] or (303) 302-3812)

Colorado Association of School Boards

2253 S. Oneida St., Suite 300

Denver, CO 80224
