Dear Superintendents and BOCES Executive Directors,
This special edition of the CDE Update includes information about the equitable distribution of CARES Act ESSER Funds to non-public schools. We have also included information about a new COVID-19 testing site available to Spanish speakers as well as guidance from the EPA with updated cleaning practices and approved products for schools.
Past editions of the CDE Update, including all COVID-19 special editions, are available on our website.
Visit the COVID-19 Resources for Schools webpage for additional resources.
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CDE provides guidance on equitable services for non-public schools
The Colorado Department of Education recognizes there may be some confusion caused by the recent legal ruling over how districts should provide equitable services for students and teachers in non-public schools with Elementary and Secondary School Education Emergency (ESSER) funds.
CDE recommends districts should consult with their counsel when determining how to calculate proportionate share for non-public schools.
CDE's ESSER application will continue to allow Local Education Agencies to calculate proportionate share in accordance with how districts plan to provide equitable services to non-public schools, despite a recent ruling by a federal judge in Washington state who issued a preliminary injunction against the U.S. Department of Education’s Interim Final Rule.
More information can be found on the ESSER webpage.
Questions can be referred to Nazie Mohajeri-Nelson at [email protected].
COVID-19 Testing Sites
New testing site available for Denver's Spanish-speaking community
Clínica Tepeyac, a Denver-based organization, has opened a COVID-19 drive-thru testing site for Denver's Spanish-speaking community. Testing is done next door to Clinica Tepeyac's campus at the Globeville Community Church, 5039 Lincoln St., Denver 80216. Currently, testing is by appointment only and available Tuesdays and Thursdays. Referrals and health insurance or identification are not needed to be tested.
This and other no-cost community testing sites are listed on the website.
EPA Guidance
EPA provides guidance for disinfecting high-touch surfaces in schools
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday sent a communication to school leaders with guidance on using disinfecting products on high-touch surfaces in schools and cautioning against using disinfectants that haven’t been approved by the EPA as effective against coronavirus. The communication emphasizes that schools should continue to focus on disinfecting high-touch surfaces. This guidance contains resources and best practices for facility management and custodial staff in their decision making as they consider the needs for improvements or revisions to their initial sanitization and disinfecting protocols.
Questions should be directed to the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8, at 303-312-6312.