
CASB Serving You!
CASB believes that quality public education is the foundation for our nation’s economic prosperity, community’s quality of life, and every child’s opportunity to live their best life. The following are current events and opportunities for our members:
- Did you know students can register for a Student Leadership Strand at Convention? Encourage students from your district to engage and elevate student voice at this year’s Convention. The students will be presenting three breakout sessions — you won’t want to miss out.
- The 81st Annual CASB Convention: Resilient, Ready, Relentless for Colorado Students will be held on Dec 2-4 at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs. The Marriott Courtyard still has rooms available. Please check our website for current updates on hotel availability.
- Save the Date for the 2022 Winter Legislative Conference — February 24 and 25 at the Grand Hyatt in downtown Denver.
- Encourage new board members to watch the CASB Conversations webinar: What You Need to Know About the Mill Levy Correction. This important issue will become even more relevant in December as districts are certifying their mill levys. CDE’s Mill Levy Correction communication toolkit provides additional resources for boards and districts.
- The November 2 Legislative Alert provided a brief summary of the Governor’s budget proposal. The upcoming School Board Advocate will go into more detail.
- All CASB members received their own district’s “Tell Your Story — Money Matters” ESSER document. Learn more about the campaign and reach out to [email protected] if you have questions.
- CASB’s post-election resources The 2021 Election resources are available to CASB members on our 2021 Elections website, including the Board Organizational Meeting Guide, Board Member Vacancy and Appointment Process Overview, and accompanying sample forms..
- The September 30 Special Policy Update is now available to members and includes updates regarding HB21-1055 (board member compensation), HB21-1108 (gender identity expression anti-discrimination), SB21-017 (sexual contact by an educator), as well as updates to reflect the current Graduation Guidelines.
- Access the new School Board Member Compensation Overview and FAQ for additional information on HB21-1055 and board member compensation.
- Upcoming NSBA Events
- January 22, 2022—NSBA Equity Symposium in Washington, DC
- January 23-25, 2022—NSBA Advocacy Institute in Washington, DC
- The 2022 Teaching and Learning Conditions Colorado (TLCC) survey launches Wednesday, Jan. 19 and will now include Educational Support Professionals.
- Colorado Department of Human Services launches program to promote youth mental health. Young people can take a confidential survey to be matched up with a mental health professional who can best support them. Every youth is then eligible for three free counseling sessions.
- On Nov. 1, the Transition Working Group submitted its plan to the Early Childhood Leadership Council, which has until Monday, Nov. 15, to approve the plan, at which point it will be final and shared with the Colorado Legislature. You can access the completed Department of Early Childhood Transition Plan here.
- Call for Nominations for the Colorado School Counselor Corps Grant Program Advisory Board — Representatives for the School Counselor Corps Grant Advisory Board are needed from school districts or individuals with expertise in school counseling; Labor and Employment; student retention; counselor education; and/or career planning. Deadline is Dec. 15.
This mission of the Colorado Association of School Boards is to advance excellence in public education and equity for each and every student through effective leadership by the collective action of locally elected boards of education.
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