Early Childhood Leadership Commission will host monthly informational Town Halls
Join us for a Statewide Listening Tour!

We will be holding listening sessions around the state to share the draft transition plan and hear feedback directly from parents and caregivers, members of the early childhood workforce, providers, school districts, human services leaders, Early Childhood Councils, and other stakeholders in communities across Colorado. Families are strongly encouraged to attend and share feedback. Save your seat - register for a meeting near you!
Obtenga más información y registrerse para un evento aqui!
Click HERE to view flyers and social media posts to share these exciting events with your community!
Spanish language interpretation will be available at both Virtual Listening Sessions. Learn more HERE! Obtenga más información y registrerse para un evento aqui!
Masks are recommended at all locations. We are committed to providing equal access to our meetings for all participants. If you need language or sign language interpretation, alternative formats or other reasonable accommodations, please contact Kristina Heyl at [email protected].