Seeking Local School Board Member Representation: Apply to Join the Committee of Practitioners (CoP) by September 30, 2021
Seeking Local School Board Member Representation: Apply to Join the Committee of Practitioners (CoP) by September 30, 2021
The Committee of Practitioners (CoP) is a critical stakeholder group for the Federal Programs Unit at the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). The primary purpose of the CoP is to advise CDE in the implementation of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), reauthorized as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The purpose of ESSA is to is to help all students in the state to reach academic proficiency, with particular focus on historically underserved students. Topics include accountability, grants management, and technical support to the field. The CoP plays a crucial role in elevating issues across the Colorado and ensuring strong communication between CDE and the K-12 education community.
CoP membership includes a variety of stakeholders from various roles and geographic locations. To ensure representation is robust, however, we are looking for more members to apply. CDE is specifically recruiting members of local school boards from mountain and rural plains communities.
Committee members serve for an initial three-year term with the opportunity to extend membership beyond the initial term. A minimum of four meetings will be held per year. To apply for a position, please fill out the 2021-22 Application and submit to Emily Owen.
For additional information, please reach out to Jeremy Meredith or Tammy Giessinger.