ALAS is Accepting Requests for Proposals for its National Summit October 7-9, 2021 in Washington D.C.
Kati Elliott
KEH Communications
[email protected]
ALAS is Accepting Requests for Proposals for its National Summit October 7-9, 2021 in Washington D.C.
Apply by Aug. 31 to present a breakout session at the National Summit
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Aug. 26, 2021) – The Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (ALAS) is accepting requests for proposals through Aug. 31, 2021 for its annual education summit, which takes place in person Oct. 7-9, 2021 in Washington D.C. The ALAS 18th Annual National Summit will feature inspiring keynote speakers, thought-provoking breakout sessions, workshops and networking opportunities.
For information on the National Summit and to apply, visit and click on the “Request for Presentation” form. Topics include:
● Systems of Equitable Practices: Data, Human Capacity and Funding Priorities
● Leadership: Brave, Bold and Building a New Normal
● What’s Working: Practices of Promise
● Research, Policy, and Legal: Implications of Short and Long-term School Investments
“The National Education Summit is our biggest national education event and we are excited to have it in person this year,” said ALAS Executive Director Maria Armstrong. “We’re looking forward to hosting dynamic presenters with thought-provoking, informative sessions that will give our attendees a deep look into the issues that matter most to them. Helping our members network as leaders is at the heart of what ALAS does best and our National Summit is the perfect opportunity for us to continue to do that.”
The National Summit takes place Oct. 7-9, 2021 with Oct. 7th being reserved specifically for State Affiliate business. Events include:
- Legislative Day on Oct. 7th in which State Affiliate committees meet with legislators to discuss policy issues relevant to their schools and communities
- The Summit on Oct. 8th and Oct. 9th which will offer keynote speakers, breakout sessions and formal and informal networking opportunities
- A Black Tie Gala and Awards Dinner on Oct. 9th to honor outstanding leaders from across the nation
The National Summit brings together education leaders, administrators and solution providers from across the country to work together to discuss challenges and share possibilities in an ever-changing education system, particularly those impacting Latino and other historically marginalized youth. The National Summit is one of a variety of events that ALAS offers throughout the year. For more information about ALAS visit
About the Association of Latino Administrators & Superintendents (ALAS)
The Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents [ALAS] is committed to providing a perspective to all aspiring school and district administrators including superintendents through programs, services, advocacy and networks rooted in Latino experiences and culture. ALAS has nearly 8,000 members across 18 state affiliates with several more states soon to be a part of the ALAS Familia. Our Vision, Mission and Goals are to provide leadership at the national level that assures every school in America effectively serves the educational needs of all students with an emphasis on Latino and other historically marginalized youth through continuous professional learning, policy advocacy, and networking to share practices of promise for our students and the communities where we serve.
By the year 2026, Latino children will make up 30 percent of the school-age population. In the nation’s largest states – California, Texas, Florida, and New York- all of whom are ALAS State Affiliates– Latinos already have reached that level. It is of vital interest to invest in the education of every child, and the professional learning of all educators who serve Latino youth.
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