Wednesday, August 05, 2020
** Action Item
This Week in The Scoop

Accountability & Improvement
Major Improvement Strategy Guides now available
CDE has created a number of Major Improvement Strategy Guides to help schools and districts better plan for evidence-based major improvement strategies in their UIPs. The following strategy guides are now available:
- Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
- Positive Behavior and Intervention Systems
- Professional Learning Communities
- Data-Driven Instruction
- Common Mission & Vision
- Coaching
- Family, School, Community Partnerships
Additional strategy guides will be available in September and October. If you have any questions or suggestions for future strategy guides, reach out to Susan Barrett.
Click Here for Additional Information
For More Information, Contact: Susan Barrett School Improvement and Planning Phone: 720-545-6349 Email: [email protected]

Data Systems
Integrated Timelines
Due to the extraordinary changes to key implementation work because of the pandemic, CDE will provide updates for superintendents and school leaders on the main tasks associated with implementing the standards, assessments, educator evaluations, the READ Act and accountability requirements on the COVID-19 Policy Guidance page.
Typically, the major activities and expectations have been broken out quarterly and by phase of implementation and listed on CDE’s Integrated Timeline webpage. But that information will not be featured on the Integrated Timeline page for the 2020-21 school year. When any change or adjustment in policy occurs, CDE will notify superintendents and school leaders through a CDE Update email and the information will be posted on the policy guidance page.
Click Here for Additional Information
For More Information, Contact: Melissa Colsman Student Learning Phone: 303.866.6737 Email: [email protected]

Educator Talent
Apply for the 2020-21 Principal Leadership Institute
The Principal Leadership Institute is a one-year, remote learning opportunity to explore distributive leadership practices and strategies to create strong climate and culture in schools. Additional information including a shareable information flyer, application form, and questionnaire can be found on the Principal Leadership Institute webpage. Applications are due by Friday, Aug 14.
Click Here for Additional Information
For More Information, Contact: Robyn Hamasaki Educator Talent Division Phone: 720-766-9302 Email: [email protected]

Family Partnerships
School Accountability Committee (SAC) Planning and Networking meeting
SACPIE and CDE will host two virtual convenings of leaders (e.g., principal, assistant principal) who facilitate the SAC in their school to share strategies, challenges, and goals for the 2020-21 School Year. Time will be available to share promising practices from around the state, as well as an opportunity to discuss ways of leveraging remote meetings to engage new audiences. School administrators and district staff who support SACs are invited to attend:
Tuesday, Sept 1 Rural Leaders 1-2:30 p.m. – sign up here. Urban/Suburban Leaders 3:30 -5 p.m. – sign up here.
For More Information, Contact: Lisa Steffen/Darcy Hutchins Accountability and Continuous Improvement Phone: 7204983020 Email: [email protected]/[email protected]

Federal Programs
Request for recommendations: State talent pool
CDE maintains a file of emerging classroom leaders who are considered distinguished teachers and principals. These educators may be candidates for advisory boards, task forces and special recognition programs. Your recommendations will identify educators who will be of great value to your community and state and who may also ultimately receive prestigious recognition.
We are fortunate to have a rich base of veteran educators represented in our current talent pool. What is particularly lacking at this time is representation from elementary educators (K-5) relatively new to the profession (5-12 years) who demonstrate unusual instructional and leadership ability.
A minimum of five years in education is a must. Candidates are building-level personnel. They are typically classroom teachers as opposed to specialists and are recognized by peers and supervisors as unique in their growth. Occasionally a principal or specialist is considered. Educators who are outstanding, but have not received other recognition are of special interest. Recommendation deadline is Friday, Aug 28.
Click Here for Additional Information
For More Information, Contact: Kim Burnham Competitive Grants and Awards Phone: 303-866-6916 Email: [email protected]

News & Notes
Fall 2020 Communication Resources
CDE has compiled a list of communication resources to support schools and districts as they connect with parents and teachers about the health and safety measures for the beginning of the 2020-21 school year.
Click Here for Additional Information
CHSAA announces Fall calendar
The Colorado High School Activities Association announced its 2020-21 interscholastic athletics and activities calendar, following months of collaboration with Gov. Jared Polis, the CHSAA Resocialization Task Force, the Sports Medicine Advisory Committee, the state's COVID-19 Response team, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and the CHSAA Board of Directors and administrative staff.
The 2020-21 season will be played with a modified sport schedule due to the on-going global pandemic, creating four separate sports seasons during the school year. Due to the restrictive nature of the current state guidelines, and the ability to follow school guidance by CDE and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, all contact sports have been moved to a season which will commence later in the calendar, and allow for playoffs and culminating events without creating new conflicts. For more information, see the CHSAA release.
For questions, contact CHSAA at (303) 344-5050.
Click Here for Additional Information

School Finance
Pandemic-EBT application process is now open
The Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS), in collaboration with the Colorado Department of Education (CDE), are pleased to announce the Pandemic-EBT (P-EBT) application is available and can be accessed through late September.
In an effort to support Colorado’s families during the COVID-19 epidemic, CDHS and CDE secured USDA approval to issue P-EBT benefits to school-age children who would have received free or reduced-price meals during the time that schools were closed for in-person learning during the 2019-20 school year. It is also for children who would have been eligible for free or reduced-price meals in schools for March, April, or May due to loss of income in those months. Each household with an eligible child can receive an amount of $5.70 per child per school day on a Colorado EBT card that will provide extra food benefits to create healthy, wholesome meal options for kids.
P-EBT benefits have been auto-issued for families with eligible children who were participating in SNAP in March, April, and/or May. Families who have not been auto-issued benefits for all children or months or do not participate in SNAP, should apply. Families can access the application here.
For frequently asked questions visit the CDHS P-EBT webpage.
Click Here for Additional Information
For More Information, Contact: Rachael Burnham School Nutrition Unit Phone: 303-503-2353 Email: [email protected]

Standards & Assessments
High Impact Instruction in Diverse Settings
Instructional guidance for educators in all content areas was created to support the teaching and learning of academic standards in diverse settings.
The purpose of these documents is to provide some guidance for each of the content areas addressed by the Colorado Academic Standards. While some compromises are inevitable when shifting instruction to non-traditional settings, maintaining high-impact instruction (or the highest-impact instruction under the circumstances) requires adherence to certain principles, practices, and strategies. Teaching is a very complex endeavor and while it is not possible to cover every approach, tool, practice for every situation, these documents aim to inform educators about what instruction should ideally look like given a variety of instructional settings.
Click Here for Additional Information
For More Information, Contact: Joanna Bruno, Ph.D. Teaching and Learning Phone: 3039193907 Email: [email protected]
Setting the Standard Webinar Series
The Office Standards and Instructional Support is hosting an ongoing virtual webinar series called Setting the Standard. Join the team to stay up-to-date on high impact instructional strategies, CDE resources for teaching and Colorado Academic Standards implementation updates. Webinars will be hosted on the first and third-Friday of each month from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
The first webinar will cover the CDE online toolkit and a townhall style Q&A session around returning to school in the fall of 2020. Join us on Friday, Aug 7 from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Click Here for Additional Information
For More Information, Contact: Alyssa Wooten Teaching and Learning Phone: 720-827-5307 Email: [email protected]