A message from the Director
Center Stipend Impact
Online Learning Resources
Rural Education in the News
Greetings from the Colorado Center for Rural Education! I hope that each of you is doing well in these uniquely challenging times of self-isolation and adaptive learning. I am writing this message in the spirit of encouragement, to ensure that we remain connected as a learning community in support of rural schools, educators, and students. This edition of Rural Centered provides updates on Center activities and resources that I encourage you to share with your networks.
The impacts of school closures are coming more clearly into focus, and it can be discouraging to reflect on the loss of joyful events including high school and college graduations, athletic competitions, artistic performances, and social celebrations. The degree of uncertainty regarding how we go about our work and social connections provides us with an opportunity to consider how we can benefit from the current challenges. The longer term effects from the current situation may reveal a variety of silver linings in the clouds, including the following:
Increased respect for expertise and the value of education
Greater investment in public services, including education
Elevated consciousness of interdependency and community
Escalated receptivity to virtual learning structures and systems
I wish each of you a generative and productive completion of the school year. Let us know how we can be helpful in providing additional resources and information on the activities of the Rural Center. Thank you for the amazing work you continue to provide in support of rural education.
Harvey Rude April 2020
$4,000 Colorado Rural Teaching Stipend: Application deadline extended!
The Colorado Rural Teaching Stipend (CRTS) provides student teachers in rural districts with up to $4,000 of financial support during their final field experience. Hopefully, the extra time will provide the students at your institution who qualify for the CRTS the needed time to turn in their application. Students are strongly encouraged to scan and email their application packets to [email protected]. If students have questions or difficulty as they prepare their application materials, please encourage them to reach out to Valerie Sherman ([email protected]).
Forward momentum, one stipend at a time
Since 2017 using both state and federal funding sources, the Colorado Center for Rural Education has provided a variety of stipends to pre-service and in-service educators in one of Colorado’s rural school districts. Currently, the Center has been able to award 322 individual stipends to educators in 71% of rural school district totaling $1,380,100.
American Association for Employment in Education Virtual Job Fair: April 23, 2020!
Physical distancing doesn't mean you can't recruit top talent! The American Association for Employment in Education is hosting an online virtual job fair for graduating seniors prepared as teachers on April 23 (https://aaee.org/virtual-career-fair#careerfair). As a recruiter, you will be able to set-up your virtual booth to include current job postings, company culture, links to your social media, and more. Chat one- on-one with candidates in real time, and link your interview stream or Zoom account to your profile to conduct video interviews. Let's keep the teacher pipeline flowing and connect your district with top teaching talent virtually.
Marzano Research
Following the adage “necessity is the mother of invention,” education stakeholders around the country are coming up with new and innovative ways to better engage students in a virtual setting every day. Marzano Research has compiled a variety of educational tips and resources specifically geared toward online/virtual learning including some amazing early learning math resources for the littles in your life https://www.marzanoresearch.com/blog/early-math-learning/).
The March 31st submission deadline for the $4,000 Colorado Rural Teaching Stipend (CRTS) is extended
July 31, 2020.
Rural teachers seek National Board Certification
https://www.journal-advocate.com/2020/01/08/re-1-valley-music-teachers-working-to- become-national-board-certified-teachers/).
Colorado’s Rural Efforts: Showcasing the work
The overarching goal of the Colorado Center for Rural Education is to act as a convener, connector, and capacity-builder for all of Colorado’s rural stakeholders as we collaboratively work to improve the recruitment and retention of K-12 rural educations and specialists in Colorado. As part of that work, the Center has presented at a variety of national- and state-level conferences to include the National Rural Education Association conference in Louisville, Kentucky, the Colorado Association of School Boards in Colorado Springs, the Colorado BOCES Association in Denver, and the American Council on Rural Special Education in San Antonio, Texas. If you would like to have the Center attend your meeting, reach out to either Valerie Sherman who is the Rural Education Coordinator ([email protected]) for the Center, or Director Harvey Rude ([email protected]). We welcome the chance to share the work.
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