Public comment open for READ Act rules
The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development (READ) Act was passed by the Colorado legislature in 2012, giving the state the guiding philosophy, structure and resources children need in order to read at grade level by fourth grade. After six years of implementation, schools and districts were not seeing the dramatic improvements in reading levels envisioned by state leaders. This led to updates in the READ Act through the passage of Senate Bill 19-199.
The State Board of Education has noticed a rulemaking process for Rules for the Administration of the Colorado READ Act. Updates to the rules will incorporate legislative changes that occurred in the 2018 and 2019 sessions. Rulemaking hearings are scheduled for the January and February board meetings. A copy of the rules can be found on Board Docs (PDF).
The State Board of Education is accepting public comments on the noticed rules. Those interested in submitting feedback can do so by emailing [email protected].
For more information, visit the 2019-20 READ Act Rule Changes webpage.For More Information, Contact:
Floyd Cobb
Teaching and Learning
Phone: 303-866-6868
Email: [email protected]