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Packets with bundles of survey codes have been sent to survey coordinators this week in preparation for the Wednesday, Jan. 24, launch of the TLCC Survey If you need information on the assigned survey coordinator, contact [email protected] or [email protected].
District staff supporting the TLCC survey may want to consider ways to promote the survey such as newsletter updates, social media campaigns and communications from the superintendent, board president or district leadership on the importance of participation and how the district intends to use the results.
The CO-AAP Request for Applications is due at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 15. A training webinar video will be available on the CO-AAP webpage this week. Register here for office hours at 9:30 a.m. on Thursdays in January on the following topics:
Jan. 4 - Program design and participation
Jan. 11 - Budget discussion with Tricia Miller, CDE fiscal manager
Jan. 18 - Collaboration with CBOs, LEAs and external organizations
Jan. 25 - GAINS discussion with Mandy and Jess from CDE GAINS administration
In preparation for the TLCC survey launch on Wednesday, Jan. 24, CDE and Panorama Education will host an optional survey coordinator training session. The hourlong session will include resources and best practices designed to ensure all districts and schools are prepared to support strong response rates and leverage results.
Register here for the Zoom training at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 10. A recording and the presentation slides will be shared on the TLCC Survey website.
For more information email Panorama Education at [email protected] or the CDE TLCC team at [email protected].
Public comment for the proposed revisions to the Colorado Academic Standards for Computer Science closes Friday, Jan. 5. Input will also be collected on currently adopted standards for English Language Proficiency, Physical Education and World Languages. See the computer science standards review and revision webpage for more information.
If you have questions about how to access the survey, contact Samantha Messier at [email protected].
For more information contact Alena Barczak at [email protected] or 303-548-8427.
The Innovative Learning Opportunities Pilot Program supports a variety of learning experiences that usually occur outside of the classroom. Schools interested in participating during the 2024-25 school year should complete the Intent to Apply form by Wednesday, Dec. 6. The ILOP Application process webpage has more detailed information about the application process.
For more information contact Marina Estrada Kokotovic at [email protected] or 303-866-6267.
Email questions to Samantha Messier, director of Standards and Instructional Support, at [email protected].
For more information contact Victory Molina at [email protected] or 720-425-4372.
Both grant programs seek to establish or expand community learning centers that will accelerate student learning by providing academic support and enrichment as well as family engagement activities in Out of School Time programs. OST programs are regularly attended by students and their families when school is not in session. Applicants to both grants may apply for up to $180,000 per center per year. Both applications will open by Friday, Dec. 15 and are due on Thursday, Feb. 15.
To learn more about the grant programs, technical assistance opportunities and tools and resources for applying, visit the 21st CCLC webpage and the CO-AAP webpage.
For more information contact Pam Lewis in the Office of Standards and Instructional Support at [email protected] or 716-984-8420.
The 2024 Teaching and Learning Conditions Colorado survey is an anonymous online survey of all school-based educators, building leaders, special service providers and education support professionals that will launch on Wednesday, Jan. 24.
CDE emailed headcount numbers based upon data from the 2022-23 Human Resources Collection to accountability contacts and human resource contacts in November. These count estimates will help determine the number of codes to send each school for staff to access the survey. Districts must confirm the numbers by Friday, Dec. 1.
CDE seeks stakeholders’ feedback to help develop the new Colorado Academic Accelerator Program grant (“Math In Pre-kindergarten Through Twelfth Grade”).
This competitive grant program is designed to create community learning centers that: